
The criteria listed below is to ensure the Venturers are better prepared for their Venture experience, emotionally, mentally and physically. Activities are Unit based and at times, individual participation.


Venturers should be able to work effectively in a Unit without Leader supervision.

New Zealand Venturers may attend the Venture if they:

Activities at the Venture are set at a level which would suit youth aged between 14 years and 18 years. Understanding how the Venturer section operates and being able to cope independently at an event are important attributes for those attending Venture. As a matter of policy young people should not be moved up to Venturers ahead of their normal transition so they can attend the Venture and likewise, older Venturers should not be held back from Rovers unless exceptional conditions apply.

Venturers from other National Scout Organisations (NSO) may attend
the Venture if they:
Members of Kindred Organisations (e.g. Rangers, St John Youth) may attend the Venture if they meet the following criteria:
Adults may attend the Venture if they meet the following criteria:
Leaders with Units Must:

Please note, All Unit Leaders and Staff attending over the age of 18 are required to hold a current and clean Scout Association of New Zealand Police Check in order to comply with New Zealand’s Vulnerable Children’s Act.

Adult Leaders from other National Scout Organisations (NSO)

Please note, All Unit Leaders and Staff attending over the age of 18 are required to hold a current and clean Scout Association of New Zealand Police Check in order to comply with the Vulnerable Children’s Act.

Contractors and Visitors