You can attend Venture in one of three roles – as a Youth Participant (Venturer or youth member of a kindred organisation), a Leader, or a Staff Member.
Youth Participants 14 – 18 year olds who meet the eligibility requirements.
Attending whole event: $865 NZD + Expedition Fee
Attending phase 2 only: $865 NZD
Attending expedition only: $30 NZD Admin fee + Expedition Fee
Once announced, expedition fees will be listed on the Phase 1 Expeditions Page
Leaders: Leaders attend Venture and support expedition units during the entire event, as a full participant of the expedition, and then helping out as necessary with programme activities during Phase 2.
$350 NZD + Expedition Fee
Most staff attend the event for the length of Venture, but some will come just for Phase 2, and others will come onsite before the event for set up and stay after for the pack down depending on their role.
These fees include all meals, onsite services and administration.
$350 NZD
Expedition staff fees will vary for each expedition – Please check with the Expedition Leader and on the status tab of your online registration to confirm these amounts.
A deposit of $200 is due at the time of application, further fees are due at the end of May and July, and the expedition fee by November 20th 2025.
When calculating your costs you need to factor in the;
We’ve spaced payments out so that you can squeeze in as
much fundraising as possible.
On application
$200.00 youth, leaders & staff – whole event or phase 2 only
or $230.00 youth – expedition only
This is due when you apply, and is the first installment of the Venture fee.
20 May 2025
$335.00 youth – whole event or phase 2 only
or $100.00 youth – expedition only
This is the second installment of the Venture fee
20 July 2025
$330.00 youth – whole event or phase 2 only
or $100.00 youth – expedition only
or $150.00 leaders and staff
This will be the final installment of the Venture fee.
20th November 2025
Total Expedition Fee – whole event youth and leaders
Expedition fee less $400 – youth – expedition only
Paying via Credit Card
Payments can be made via the Status page in your online registration. We accept Credit/Debit Cards or Online EFTPOS (with a small 2% surcharge).
Paying via Bank Transfer
Simply send your payment via bank transfer to “The Scout Association of NZ”, account number: 06-0501-0090411-016 (with no surcharge!)
All payments must include reference to your full name and your Venture registration number.
Automatic Payments
You can also choose to set up regular automatic payments with our finance team if that makes it easier to manage.
Contact the team at
AdVenture’26 uses an accredited third party provider to process payments from Credit, Debit, and EFTPOS cards.
The provider, Worldline (formerly Paymark) Click, is a secure, world-class payments platform built on 25 years’ experience in processing payments.
Measures they take to protect your personal information, including card details, include:
No Credit, Debit, or EFTPOS Card details are held by SCOUTS Aotearoa at any time.
Scouts Aotearoa operates a policy of ‘best value’* for participants in events.
Event cancellation insurance is normally not taken out for events.
*Best value is defined as the most advantageous combination of cost, quality and sustainability to meet customer requirements.
Cancellation by Venture Organisers
If in the period 90 days prior to the commencement of the Venture, the Venture is cancelled, you or the payer will be entitled to a refund of any payments that have been made towards your Venture fees. The Venture will not be responsible for refunding any costs you or the payer may have incurred in relation to the Venture other than the amount of the Venture fee paid.
Cancellation by the Venturer
In the event that your registration is cancelled or you do not attend the Venture, whether a refund of the Venture fee is made will be at the discretion of the Venture Organisers.
If in exceptional circumstances, you are unable to attend the Venture (eg. a significant accident happening after registration but before the Venture commences), you should apply to the Venture Organisers for a refund of any fees that have been paid. Any refund will be at the sole discretion of the Venture Organisers and they may require additional documentation in support of your refund request.